

Taobao is establishing its own warehouses in 50 cities of China


2010-10-21 04:52:36 来源: 京华时报(北京) 
本报讯 (记者 李斌) 社会物流拖住淘宝后腿,淘宝决定自建以求突围。昨天,记者从接近淘宝网的一位可靠消息人士处获悉,淘宝网乃至整个阿里巴巴集团内部已经制定了计划决心自建物流,具体的运作是今明两年淘宝将在全国52个城市陆续建立分仓,以解决掣肘淘宝网发展的物流问题。同时,该人士透露阿里巴巴还将入股部分物流公司并与它们开展仓储方面的合作。不过,该消息人士强调,“淘宝还是不会把手伸到物流业前端去做配送,也不会抢物流公司的饭碗。”


Taobao is establishing its own network for delivery


2010-10-21 08:54:34 来源: 网易科技报道 

网易科技讯 10月21日消息,电子商务公司阿里巴巴集团正计划在全国范围内建立一个庞大的物流网络。该集团对目前国内递送服务的质量感到不满,同时希望在迅速增长的国内市场日益加剧的竞争中保持领先地位。



Shops and shopkeepers On tabao

source from http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/sinobytes/post.htm?id=63013693

Navigating the bamboo scaffolding of China's rapid-rising tower of technology by Steven Millward,China

Similarly to eBay, there's an emphasis on shopkeepers being rated by buyers to display who can, and can't, be trusted. The same, too, for buyers. In the screenshot to the right, you can see one shopkeeper's stats, displayed on its shop home screen. After every transaction, both parties can optionally rate each other; but it has become polite to give a good rating where one is due. The more "crowns" and "hearts", the better

Text reviews can also be posted under every product. Interestingly, running a Taobao shop has become a national pastime, with even office workers on a good salary running shops, chatting online with potential customers--perhaps even during office hours--and sorting out the mailing of items in the evenings and on weekends. University students, too, provided they have a laptop, have taken to being sellers to give themselves a bit of an income during the semester. Setting up a Taobao shop requires no fees be paid to the site. So it's just a matter of sourcing for some products from a wholesaler--an easy thing to find and do in China, which is the "world's factory" after all--for a fairly small outlay. And then you'll hopefully be able to sell the goods at a competitive price which slightly undercuts the bricks-and-mortar stores with their huge overheads.

Using taobao

source from :http://asia.cnet.com/blogs/sinobytes/post.htm?id=63013693

Navigating the bamboo scaffolding of China's rapid-rising tower of technology by Steven Millward, China

The 10 main tabs across the Taobao front page reveal the core sections of the site, which include "mall", "global", "second-hand", and "plane tickets". Much of what is sold, however, are brand-new products from its legion of hobbyist shopkeepers.

The search box is prominent just above the tabs and allows you to search across the site or within certain categories. Upon searching for anything, you get a list with thumbnails and descriptions, from a variety of sellers across the country. It doesn't really matter where the seller is, as regular- and express-mail options cover the country.

Taobao's payment method is Alipay, created by its parent company Alibaba, the business-to-business e-commerce site which also runs Yahoo's China operations. Alipay has been vital to their victory over eBay and its unfamiliar Paypal. For regular users, Alipay (Chinese name: 支付宝--Zhīfùbǎo) is the payment method and safety intermediary. It accepts payment on a wide variety of bank-issued debit cards and Visa.

The buyer first pays money--using an Internet shopping-enabled bank card--to Alipay, which then holds the money until the buyer has received the goods. If satisfied with the items, the buyer logs back into Taobao, and with a few clicks, can allow Alipay to pass on the payment to the seller. This eliminates the possibility of card fraud and items that don't get sent. Though for the shopkeepers, there's still the possibility of some wantonly dishonest customers damaging the goods themselves and sending them back.